Switch("asdf",{ // sorted: {"asdf",[](){ printf("0\n"); }}, {"bde",[](){ printf("1\n"); }}, {"ger",[](){ printf("2\n"); }} },[](const char *a,const char *b){ return strcmp(a,b)<0;});
? Use this:
YourClass instance; auto tmi=bind_this(&YourClass::TheMethod,&instance); int k=tmi("blubb"); // instead of instance.TheMethod("blubb")Or wrap it:
std::function tmi(bind_this(...))
How to make Quartus II 10.1 SP1 jtag work on debian and 2.6.36:
Add to /etc/udev/rules.d/99_altera.rules :SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{idVendor}=="09fb", MODE="0666", SYMLINK+="usbblaster", RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/usb-devices > /dev/bus/usb/devices'"And you'll need this binary patch.
WARNING: cpu_0_test_bench/M_wr_data_unfiltered is 'x' ERROR: cpu_0_test_bench/W_wr_data is 'x' Failure: VHDL STOPHint: You'll need to run simulation for a long time (think 200us and up).
not only when explicitly given (c1/+g
). This improves midi output.
You probably want to set up an extra \score
block for the midi,
otherwise \ChordNames
will print C/C
, etc.\addBassToChords \chordmode { c1 d:m ... }
function! s:ThobiBackspace() let prefix=strpart(getline('.'),0,col('.')-1) " treat tab-indent and space indent separately let split=match(prefix,'^\t\+ \+$') if split!=-1 return repeat("\<bs>", strlen(prefix)-split-1) endif return "\<c-w>" endfunction " my terminal(linux) does not return <c-bs> but ^H for Ctrl-Backspace " also sets an undo point imap <c-h> <c-g>u<c-r>=<sid>ThobiBackspace()<cr>